Saturday, May 26, 2007

My Baby, she wrote me a letter

As most of you already know, in Newcastle I worked for a company named RISQ, as an Employment Screening Consultant. In this position, I performed employment and education verifications, reference checks, criminal history checks, and other fun stuff.

In most cases universities or businesses would fax or email us the documents needed to verify a degree or previous employment, but sometimes the university or business would "snail mail" us their response. Obviously this would take a lot longer, especially if they were sending the letter from Russia, South Africa, Malaysia, or, as in this case, Myanmar (formerly Burma). Still, this was my favourite way to receive responses because, like everyone else, I love getting mail.

These photos are of one of my last responses by mail. It came from the University of Yangon. I love how many stamps it took to get it to us. Though, I wonder if they were slightly over zealous with the stamps. Or, maybe, they had a bunch of unused stamps they wanted to get rid of. Sadly, I will never know the real reason and this will have to remain a mystery for the ages, and that is what upsets me the most.
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1 comment:

  1. No need to be sad about that. Seen from another perspective, mysteries are the greatest.

    You can keep entertaining them, like lunch guests who stay all through a leisurely afternoon.

