Thursday, November 02, 2006

Night Traffic

I realize this photo doesn't have any technical merit, but I am putting it up anyway. Mainly for the simple fact that I like the lights from the cars in it. When I was taking the photo a car came down the street and decided to turn right (notice how the light starts in the left lane - that's Australia). Then another car started coming from the side street. So, the camera captured the lights, and not the cars. I think that's neat. Plus, to me, it looks like a scene from Tron was put into the photo. That's why I like it.

Actually, I just wanted an excuse to tell everyone to go look at Kendall's way better, and so much more professional night-time photo. So, go look at it, and see how night photos are supposed to look.

Just so ya know. This was taken on my street. Our apartment is on the corner, where the headlights begin on the right. I took it on the way home from work tonight. Posted by Picasa


  1. Gee Andrew, such a nice plug for my picture - Thanks!

    As for your photo, assuming that you're still just using your little point & click, you did okay too. I particularly like the way the lights go behind that hedge then reappear and through it all you don't see the car at all. Other than that, it's all just a matter of location...(location, location) :)

  2. Anonymous7:54 p.m.

    Yo Andrew,

    I like your photos a lot, especially the opera house

    keep up the good work!

