Sunday, October 15, 2006

Nobby's Head

This the beach at Nobby's Head. It's one of the main beaches in Newcastle. It's a very nice beach. The sand is nice, the water is cool and the waves are strong, real strong. We were actually really surprised at their power. I was suprised some of the parents weren't more concerned about their kids; the waves could easily knock you over if you aren't paying attention.

I decided to post this picture because it has been 36 degree celsius for the last few days. I wanted to go to the beach, as a reprieve from the heat, but Edith has been doing homework all weekend. I thought looking at pictures of the beach would help, but it has only increased my yearning to visit it. On a side note, today it was 20 degrees celsius, a normal temperature for this time of year. Apparently the last few days were a "freak heat wave" they are blaming on La Ninia. I just hope this isn't an omen of the summer to come, though it probably is. Posted by Picasa


  1. Nice shot Andrew, I particularly like the kites in the background. Is this a cropped shot, or a stiched panorama?

  2. Thanks Kendall. This is a simple cropped photgraph. I just took out the sky above and the sand below. Sadly my camera won't do panoramic shots, though it would be nice to learn how to piece regular photos together, which is what i think you mean by "stitched panorama."

    And interestingly enough: the "kites" you see in the photo are not kites at all. They have people on little-surf-board-type-things holding on to them. The "kites", cuz I don't know what they are actually called, pull the people around on the water, though you can't really see the people in the photo - trust me, they are there. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out how the "kite surfers" kept from tangling their lines with each other. But I guess it's like when you get a bunch of fisherman fishing off the same side of a boat, they just know how to do it properly.

  3. Anonymous3:57 a.m.

    So nice to see photos from the "Ausralian hometown" and also hear how things are going at your end. Hope to see many more updated in the future.

    (Leke says hi, too :)

  4. Anonymous3:58 a.m.

    I can't believe I typoed so bad.. Australian, updates. Darn. Nevermind.
